It is 2024 and in the current business environment, it is essential to manage your organization’s assets. It gives you more efficiency and streamlines business operations. That is why the asset management software is growing and predicted to reach more than $27 billion by 2025. Therefore, businesses invest more in Asset Management software development to handle their assets more efficiently.

But, before developing, every business needs to know more about the types of asset management software. This can help them pick the right solution for their business. In that case, this guide can be helpful because it will discuss everything from, what is asset management software, how it works, its benefits, best asset management software available, to important features, the cost, development process. So, let’s know that!

What Is Asset Management Software and How Does It Work?

The concept of ‘asset management’ is a broad thing to discuss. In business, asset management refers to the organized process of overseeing and increasing the value of business assets.

Asset Management Software

The process involves planning, collecting information, using it, maintaining it, and taking advantage of the assets. It helps businesses to achieve their business goals while balancing all the risks against performance. Also, it includes:

  • Making buying decisions
  • Handling maintenance schedule
  • Daily item scanning
  • Check data
  • Manage inventory

Asset management always keeps detailed and accurate reports of assets, checks their performances and status, schedules maintenance, and helps businesses make proper business decisions.

It helps companies understand when to get new assets and when to dispose of the existing ones. The main purpose of Asset Management software development is to optimize the uses of assets, reduce operational costs, and ensure sustainable business success.

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Types of Asset Management Software

Before your business goes for Asset Management software development, you must know about different kinds of software. This will help you pick the perfect software to develop. So, let’s know about them.

1. Digital Asset Management Software

The DAM or Digital Asset Management software is a kind of solution that is tailor-made for organizations. It helps them handle different digital content like documents, social media files, and all other creative assets. Almost 30% of digital marketers reported that they have been using DAM since 2020. This software can store, organize, and distribute your business digital assets efficiently. It ensures your team can work seamlessly and access content whenever needed.

2. Physical Asset Management Software

The Physical Asset Management software is the right software for industries with extensive physical assets. They are healthcare, manufacturing, or logistics software development. This software can easily keep an eye on equipment, tools, machinery, and other physical assets. The main work of this solution is to schedule maintenance tasks, track asset uses, and ensure operational business efficiency by reducing equipment downtime.

3. Infrastructure Asset Management Software

You can go for Infrastructure Asset Tracking software development if you want to concentrate on your business infrastructure. This software can manage large-scale infrastructure assets of businesses like utilities, buildings, and facilities. It comes up with different features like asset lifecycle management, maintenance planning, tracking compliance, etc. to improve the reliability of the assets.

4. Vehicle Fleet Asset Management Software

This software is ideal for logistics and transportation companies. It helps optimize the vehicles’ fleet management. This software can track the location, fuel uses, maintenance schedule, and compliance with safety regulations of the vehicles. So, it ensures that the efficiency in the fleet management remains intact which can reduce the operational costs of businesses.

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5. Financial Asset Management Software

If you are in the finance business industry, you can try financial Asset Tracking software development. Most investment companies and financial institutions are using this software to manage their portfolios of financial assets like bonds, stocks, and securities. This software offers businesses the right kind of tools to analyze portfolios, manage risks, and track performance to provide more ROI.

6. Fixed Asset Management Software

This can specifically cater to all organizations that manage fixed assets. So, this software is specifically helpful for handling land, real estate properties, large-scale infrastructure, and buildings. Businesses can easily use this solution to track depreciation, handle lease agreements, and ensure compliance with accounting standards.

7. Enterprise Asset Management Software

The Enterprise Asset Management software is an ideal option for large and medium-sized enterprises. It works like a more comprehensive solution to manage diverse kinds of asset types easily in different departments or locations. This can integrate other solutions like maintenance management, asset tracking, inventory control, and compliance tracking.

8. IT Asset Management Software

The IT Asset Management software development can be beneficial for the IT industry. This helps them manage all IT assets like software licenses, hardware, and network devices within the organization. It can track asset configuration, license renewals, software installations, etc. to ensure security and IT compliance across network infrastructure.

9. Network Asset Management Software

True to its name, this software is designed for handling network assets without any hassle. You can use this software to handle switches, routers, telecommunications, servers, and many other equipment. It offers more visibility into network topology, maintenance, and performance to reduce network downtime.

10. Data Center Asset Management Software

The Data Center Asset Management Software can address all the needs of the data center by handling important assets. They are storage devices, servers, PDUs, and cooling systems. It ensures that businesses can allocate resources easily, plan for the capacity, and comply with the data centers and regulations.

Top Asset Management Software Available in the Market

The global market for Asset Tracking software development is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 34% from 2023 to 2032. So, it is time to invest in the right asset management software. Here are some of the popular asset management software known for their reliability and features.



The Zluri is a popular asset management solution that comes with high scalability and simplicity. It offers cloud-based solutions, and integration capabilities, making it a good choice for IT asset management.



If you are searching for automated fixed asset management software, Newgen is the option. It offers digitalization of assets, great visibility into asset status, a centralized platform for managing your assets, etc. to make things easier.



You can use SolarWinds as it offers several advanced features to the users. The detailed view of assets, reporting, dashboard, alerting, etc. are some of its features. Also, the best part is that it is reliable and scalable.



Spiceworks is another best choice when it comes to asset management solutions. It offers ad-supported free asset management functions. The solution also offers important features like report generation, asset tracking, and software license.



It is a popular Enterprise Asset Management software that offers comprehensive solutions. Most businesses prefer this software because of its high-security features and automation. Also, it manages inventory easily and offers accurate reports.

Benefits of Asset Management Software Development for Business

When you use Asset Management software for your business, it can offer several advantages to streamline operations. So, here are some benefits you can expect from Asset Tracking software development which can help you make better business decisions.

Improves Accuracy and Reduces Errors

The Asset Management software can reduce the risk of human errors by automating data entry and asset tracking processes. It improves data accuracy and ensures information consistency and reliability.

Improves Visibility and Control

One of the best benefits of using Asset Tracking software is that it gives you real-time insights into assets’ location, usage, status, and performance. This helps businesses respond more quickly to business needs and control their resources.

Optimizes Asset Utilization

As mentioned the Asset Management software can monitor asset performance and other metrics. This is helpful for businesses as they can identify the assets that they have not used, extend assets’ lifespan, and optimize maintenance schedules.

Lowers Downtime and Predictive Maintenance

The decision for Asset Management software development is helpful to reduce downtime and predictive maintenance. It prevents unexpected equipment failure and disruption in business operations.

Better Reporting and Financial Planning

The detailed asset tracking and customizable reporting of the software help businesses to generate accurate reports. Through this, businesses can easily plan their budget and maintain proper compliance with audits.

Common Features to Consider for Asset Management Software Development

If your Asset Management software does not have the important features, you can get the maximum benefits. So, it is better to check what features to look for when you go to a software development company for Asset Tracking software development.

asset management software features

Real-time Asset Tracking

It is an important feature that your software must have. This feature helps businesses to track their assets in real time. It offers updated information on the status, location, and uses of every asset to provide businesses a better asset control.

Predictive Maintenance Scheduling

Another important feature is predictive maintenance scheduling which uses data analytics to identify when your assets need maintenance. This can prevent equipment damage, reduce costs, and avoid costly downtimes.

Detailed Asset Inventory

When you go for Asset Management software development, include the detailed asset inventory feature. It will help maintain accurate asset records like warranty information, maintenance history, etc. to support compliance.

Customizable Reporting Tools

Not every business is the same, they need customized solutions when reporting assets. So, it is better to pick software that offers customizable reporting tools and a dashboard to check asset performance easily and make better decisions.

Integration Capabilities

Your selected Asset Management software must integrate effortlessly with your other business systems like ERP systems, accounting software, supply chain management tools, etc. to ensure data consistency.

Security and Compliance

Having powerful security measures is important to protect sensitive business data. So, the software must come up with security measures like access control, encryption, etc. to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

asset management software development

What Tech Stack Required for Developing Asset Tracking Software?

When the talk is about Asset Tracking software development, knowing about the needed technology stack is important. So, it needs a versatile technology stack that can easily tackle complicated data processing, integration processes, and real-time analytics. They are:

  • Programming languages: For developing powerful Asset Management software, use Python or JavaScript and Java for data processing and backend development.
  • Frameworks and libraries: You can build scalable software with Django (Python), Spring (Java), or Node.js.
  • Database management system: To ensure efficient data storage and retrieval, use data management systems like SQL (PostgreSQL or MySQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB).
  • Web server: You can select web servers like Nginx or Apache HTTP server to tackle HTTP requests and serve web applications.
  • Cloud platforms: Google Cloud platform, Microsoft Azure, AWS, etc. can be great options for getting scalable infrastructure, computing resources, and storage.
  • API and integration tools: Integration frameworks like Apache Camel and RESTful APIs ensure seamless connectivity with third-party services and systems.

Asset management Software Development Process

You need to follow a structured approach when it comes to Asset Tracking software development. It ensures the successful implementation of features and deployment.

  • Gathering requirements: Collaborate with the stakeholders and understand your project goals. Work closely to know the specific features you want to have in your software.
  • Design and architecture: Make a detailed system architecture, user interface design, and database that will align with performance, scalability, and usability requirements.
  • Development: After choosing everything, start to develop the Asset Tracking software. Implement frontend components, backend functionalities, API connections, and database integration with frameworks, programming languages, and development tools.
  • Testing and QA: After Asset Management software development, the comprehensive testing phase comes into play. It includes unit testing, performance testing, integration testing, etc. to ensure software quality, security, reliability, and regulatory compliance.
  • Deployment: Now, it is time for deployment in the staging and production environment. It ensures a smooth transition from development to final product.
  • Training and support: After deployment, it is crucial to offer training sessions to the administrators and users.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop Asset Management Software?

The total cost for Asset Tracking software development may vary depending on several factors. But, the average cost may range from $300 to $250,000 per annum. But, it can change depending on different things like:

  • Software complexity
  • Features included
  • Choice of the technology stack
  • Development team’s location and working hours
  • Deployment scale

You must note that advanced software will always cost you more than the basic ones. However, after development, there will be additional costs, like support, maintenance, etc.

How Octal Can Help You in Asset Management Software Development?

Octal IT Solution can help you develop customized Asset Management software tailored to your particular business needs at a competitive rate. They have an experienced team of developers and industry experts who follow a maintained structure for Asset Tracking software development to ensure quick deployment. Octal IT Solution also offers post-maintenance and support services to help your software stay updated and relevant.


For businesses, Asset Management software development is necessary to optimize their assets and improve business operations. Just do your research, choose the right kind of software, work with a reliable development team, and get the maximum advantages. This will ensure long-term business success.

asset management software development


What types of assets you can handle with Asset Management software?

Reliable Asset Management software can manage different kinds of assets like digital assets, physical equipment, vehicles, IT infrastructure, real estate, financial assets, etc., and ensure smooth business operations.

Can including features increase the Asset Tracking software development cost?

Yes, the cost can get higher if you include advanced features like system integration, maintenance management, etc. The more advanced features your software will have, the higher the cost will be.

How can you choose a software development company for making Asset Management software?

First things first, research very well and make a checklist. You can consider factors like the company’s experience, expertise, reviews or testimonials, and past proven records to make better decisions.

Digital Marketing Manager

Mann's curiosity and passion for knowledge drive him to explore the latest tech trends and innovations. His talent for breaking down complex ideas into engaging, easy-to-understand content makes him a reliable source of information for his readers.

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