Well, vehicle tracking is a major concern in all industries be it logistics and transportation or packers and movers. Therefore, isn’t it a great idea to track your vehicles that are running on the roads. Businesses just try to monitor their vehicles or fleet so that they can analyze the distance covered thus helping them to calculate the fuel consumption and the other necessary factors. Enterprise fleet management software development is a process that enterprises employ to manage, store, and analyze data from fleet resources is the framework for all manageable assets. 

Tracking the vehicles is yet another way to control and monitor your overall business activities plus at the same time is a more reliable option to track your drivers as well.

Further in this blog, we will discuss the custom fleet management software development process with features, the right development partner, and the technology stack.

Plenty of businesses and enterprises are looking forward to fleet management software development in order to track the path taken by their vehicles. Moreover, these systems deliver complete information regarding the driving habits of the drivers, speed, no of stops taken, and much more.

Now since fleet management software is gaining an impressive surge the concept is more likely to augment in the foreseen times. So, here find out the basic attributes, technologies, and cost-governing parameters for fleet management software development.

fleet management software development

Features to be Included in Enterprise Fleet Management Software Development

There are a lot of features that we can include in Custom fleet management software development. Here are some of them.

Driver Panel

Registration: This page forms the major part of the software. The drivers can log in with the help of an email account or social network credentials.

Real-time GPS tracking: Under this feature, the drivers can track the route to be taken for making the deliveries within the stipulated time frame.

Update trip timings: The drivers can update the starting and ending times of the trip for making the deliveries. This helps in tracking the distance covered in a more transparent way.

Update status: The drivers can update the status upon completion of the tasks. They can update the status of the vehicles in the fleet so that they can be used for making other deliveries.

Reports: This is a general feature that we should include in the enterprise fleet management software development process. All the reports related to the trips taken by the vehicles and the distances covered can be updated by the drivers.

Leader Boards: The drivers can update the scores on the leaderboards thus enabling the admin to make better decisions.

custom fleet management software development

Admin Panel

Dashboard: All the drivers and the fleet that are attuned to the software are managed and monitored by the admin.

Maintenance and schedule: All the fleet maintenance activities and the service scheduling timetables are managed and monitored by admin.

Specialized solutions: All the delivery, packing, and goods lifting solutions are managed by the admin. Does he reserve the right to add any specialized solutions if required as per the user’s requirements?

Fuel usage, Vehicle tracking, and performance analysis: The fuel consumption charts, vehicle tracking reports, performance, and the average delivered by the vehicles are managed by admin.

Driver management: All the drivers that are involved in making the deliveries are managed by the admin.

Manage vehicles: Under this section, all the basic information related to the vehicles and all other necessary details are managed by admin.

Marketing: All the promotional ads, banners, advertisements, and email templates are managed and monitored by the admin.

Advance Features

Stop speeding: This is one of the necessary features to be included in fleet management software development. With the help of the stop speeding feature, the vehicle tracking mobile app warns the drivers, in case the speed exceeds the desired limit. This is a great way of tracking the speed and also ensures that your fleet is following all the traffic rules.

Barcode Scanning: Your vehicle tracking software will allow the drivers to pay at toll towers by just scanning the barcode. With this method, the drivers can receive and accept the payments within the system, thus making the overall payment ecosystem very transparent.

Automatic driver assignment: Under this section, the fleet management software allows the drivers to seek any support in the event of any problem. The drivers can update their problems over the system and can get assistance in a very quick and convenient way.

Flexible labeling: Fixed labeling allows you to identify your set of vehicles on the roads. You can easily distinguish your fleet from the other vehicles and take any necessary action in the case of any problem when required.

Job Schedule Board: The job schedule board allows you to schedule the fleet according to your convenience. With the help of your vehicle tracking software, you can easily schedule the jobs plus also distribute the tasks among the individual vehicles to accomplish the deliveries within a stipulated time frame.

fleet management software development

GPS: With the help of GPS the drivers can track the path to be taken for making the deliveries. Furthermore, it helps the admin to check the real-time location of the drivers and the fleet in a convenient way.

Offline tracking: In case, when your fleets are on the way to remote areas, the offline feature comes as a major rescue. With offline tracking, the business can check the fleet in remote areas from any place thus, making the overall fleet management system very transparent.

Custom map overlays: The custom map overlaying feature allows you to zoom into the map to identify the exact location of the vehicle. You can easily check your fleet in the concerned operational zones and track the activities of the fleet in a transparent manner.

Route history: With the help of route history, you can easily track the route taken by every vehicle in your fleet. You can easily verify the path and the routes taken by your vehicles thus helping you in analyzing the distances covered plus it also aids you in fuel and vehicle management.

Automated alerts: With the help of automated alerts, drivers get alerts about different activities. For instance, you can set an alert in case, the fuel goes down or the track goes wrong when compared with the prescribed one. Your fleet management app will be aware of the drivers in the event of any such problem.

fleet management software development

Some More Features to Include in Custom Fleet Management Software Development

Enhanced security feature: The fleet management system comes with a combination of sensors, GPS, and other security features that assure the safety of your vehicles and drivers.

Historical fleet data: With this feature, businesses can get a complete idea about the fleet, fuel consumption, job assignments, routes taken, and the time of completion.

Cloud-based: The cloud-based server stores all the business data in a very reliable and secure way and optimizes the performance and the speed of the overall fleet management system.

Temperature sensor: With the aid of the stated feature, drivers can get an idea, about the temperature of the vehicle in case, it exceeds the desired limit.

In-app messaging: Allows the drivers to communicate with the admin in case of any problem or when the vehicle goes out of service.

Routing: The routing feature allows you to set different routes for the different vehicles and the drivers thus helping you to save both the money and fuel.

Time zones/languages: Under this feature, businesses can set their own time zones and languages with just a single tap.

Required Technology Stack for Custom Fleet Management Software Development in 2024

  • APNS (Apple push notifications)/FCM (Firebase cloud messaging) for Push Notifications
  • Twilio, Sinch, Nexmo for SMS, Voice and Phone Verification
  • Braintree, Stripe & PayPal for accepting payments
  • GWT for Powerful Programming
  • DataStax for Data Management
  • Mail Chimp Integration, Mandrill for everything related to emails
  • Debian, Macintosh, Ubuntu, CentOS – The Universal Operating System
  • Database – MongoDB, HBase, Cassandra, Postgres
  • Cloud Environment – AWS and Google
  • Real-time Analytics – Hadoop, Spark, BigData, Apache Flink, Cisco, IBM
fleet management software development services

How to Choose a Fleet Management Software Development Company?

Starting with an innovative concept, unique ideation, passion, and the right Software Development Company are imperative. Hence, one must initiate with the right development strategies for developing the fleet management software. Other than finding the Development Company there are some key persons as well that actually undertake the responsibility of developing the software from scratch. Find them below and check if they are imbibed with the true passion for developing your fleet management software.

Project Manager:

She/he should be able to identify the best possible solution for the client’s business model and must have a proper understanding of the software development landscape.


The technical team can be comprised of programmers headed by skilled and experienced project managers.


The right team of UI/UX designers always tries to comprehend the core idea of your system and takes the essence of your project to a whole new level.


Software testing services are essential to ensure your software runs smoothly and bug-free. The team of QA experts and testers cannot be undermined as they test it by applying all sets of unique combinations and making all the possible efforts to find the bug.

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Team Engagement Modal for Enterprise Fleet Management Software Development

custom fleet management software development

Depending upon the physical location of the business, individuals or operators can select from any of the three below engagement models.


Is the way the operator or entrepreneurs want the project to be completed from a remote location.


Is when the business individuals want the project to be done on the office premises. So as per the guideline, the desired team developers are sent to the client’s office along with the assigned work.


Is the mix of both and is opted for when the business persons want to complete the project within minimum time. During office hours, developers are sent to the office and after that, the team works from a remote location.

Cost of Fleet Management Software Development

Most of the companies charge as per the man-hours they put in while developing the software. In regions like North America for instance, the price is around $150 per hour, in Europe it is $130 per hour, and the companies situated in Australia charge around $190 per hour. According to the statistics, India is the most affordable country for developing quality fleet management software at the price of $80 per hour.

The cost of developing a fleet management software is around $10,000 to $15,000 and apps that have extensive features as above can cost up to $18,000 to $25,000. If you are looking for fleet management software development services then hire software developers for your next project with our company.


Fleet Management software development is a tedious process that requires proper guidance and a good team if you want to build a fleet management system that is perfectly tailored to your business requirements. Hope you understand the concept of fleet management; we tried to cover all the details related to the fleet management software development, the required features, and cost.

Still, if you have questions related to any of the above, contact our experts today.


How to Build a Fleet Management Software?

To build fleet management software, get legal documents and licenses before you proceed. Then you can hire a team of developers who can help you build a fleet management software. The development process includes:
Market Research
Share Software Requirements
UI/UX Design
Launch and Update 

What is API in Fleet Management?

Application Programming Interface or API is a way how two or more computer programs communicate with each other.

What is the estimated fleet management software development cost?

The cost of developing a fleet management software is around $10,000 to $15,000 and systems that have extensive features as above can cost up to $18,000 to $25,000.

What Features Do You Offer in Fleet Management Software Development?

Top features to include in your fleet management software are: 
Barcode Scanning
Flexible Labeling
Offline Tracking
Historical Fleet Data
Fuel Usage 
Vehicle Tracking
Performance Analysis
Driver Management

CTA - enterprise fleet management software development
Technical Writer

Mike Brin, a tech-savvy writer with a background in Information Technology, is passionate about technology's transformative power. His engaging tech blog shows his deep knowledge and enthusiasm for digital innovations.

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